Latitude: 39.834719, Longitude: -95.16136289999997
BirthMatches 1 to 50 of 85 1 2 Next»
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
Blanton, Anderson Ephraim | 17 Sep 1911 | I10767 |
2 |
Blanton, Edgar Arthur | 16 Oct 1913 | I9220 |
3 |
Blanton, Floyd David | 26 Aug 1907 | I3653 |
4 |
Blanton, Franklin Anderson | 20 Jul 1926 | I23778 |
5 |
Blanton, James | 25 Feb 1876 | I4156 |
6 |
Blanton, James Oscar Sr. | 25 Jul 1881 | I4867 |
7 |
Blanton, John Gilbert | 06 Nov 1892 | I5777 |
8 |
Blanton, Lewis Franklin | 05 Jul 1907 | I4397 |
9 |
Blanton, Lloyd Thomas | 26 Aug 1907 | I2418 |
10 |
Blanton, Louis Henry | 23 Jul 1904 | I34138 |
11 |
Blanton, Oscar H | 06 Sep 1909 | I5221 |
12 |
Blanton Calvin, Grace Elizabeth | 06 Jul 1898 | I5592 |
13 |
Blanton Eads, Gladys F | 07 Jul 1909 | I5986 |
14 |
Blanton Roland, Lillie Mae | 07 Nov 1892 | I3652 |
15 |
Blanton Speaks, Alice Carey | 15 Jul 1896 | I5762 |
16 |
Blunt, Ethel Mae | 1905 | I5812 |
17 |
Bradley, Elmo Zee | 25 Mar 1879 | I43086 |
18 |
Briggs, Roy E | 19 Sep 1902 | I21440 |
19 |
Briggs Ross, Mary | 26 May 1913 | I36211 |
20 |
Briggs Zeltwanger, Edith I | 06 Apr 1923 | I21438 |
21 |
Cairo Greve, Clovis W | 23 Dec 1911 | I9087 |
22 |
Collins, William Patrick | 6 Oct 1878 | I14076 |
23 |
Davies, Frances E | 19 Jul 1920 | I21149 |
24 |
Davies, James McKinley | 26 Mar 1901 | I4919 |
25 |
Davies, Lou H | 1895 | I26088 |
26 |
Davies, Mabel Jane | 09 Jan 1886 | I19401 |
27 |
Davies, Rachel Anna | 15 Aug 1858 | I13772 |
28 |
Davies, Shelby A | 30 Sep 1873 | I19404 |
29 |
Davies Long, Rachel Anna | 15 Aug 1858 | I40796 |
30 |
Etherton, Mamie Daphne | 15 Mar 1889 | I42760 |
31 |
Etherton Hopkins, Margureite | 24 Jan 1884 | I21100 |
32 |
Etherton Throckmorton, Ida May | 11 Jul 1885 | I11638 |
33 |
Frakes Blanton Young, Grace Audrey | 13 May 1900 | I9208 |
34 |
Franken, William A | 01 Jun 1894 | I16841 |
35 |
Gallagher, James A | 10 Dec 1861 | I41224 |
36 |
Gurwell, Abe Lincolllll | 5 Nov 1864 | I41152 |
37 |
Gurwell, Abraham Lincoln | 04 Nov 1864 | I22178 |
38 |
Gurwell, Beulah Lavone | 26 Jan 1905 | I9588 |
39 |
Gurwell, Earl O | 18 Apr 1895 | I9001 |
40 |
Gurwell, Fannie Belle | 16 Jan 1870 | I22188 |
41 |
Gurwell, Helen Mabel | 10 Jun 1876 | I22191 |
42 |
Gurwell, Ida Jane | 05 Jan 1872 | I15718 |
43 |
Gurwell, Lieutentant Grant | 14 May 1866 | I22185 |
44 |
Gurwell, Mary Luticia | 08 Feb 1868 | I14472 |
45 |
Gurwell, Sophia | 01 Apr 1860 | I22171 |
46 |
Gurwell, William Amazon | 12 Aug 1879 | I21195 |
47 |
Hanlan, Charles Francis Sr | 31 Dec 1886 | I7281 |
48 |
Hanlan, Charles Francis Jr | 28 Apr 1920 | I10524 |
49 |
Hanlan, Josephine Marie | 10 Jul 1913 | I45903 |
50 |
Hanlan Thompson, Bridget Ellen | 1 Dec 1872 | I20148 |
1 2 Next»
DeathMatches 1 to 46 of 46
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Death |
Person ID |
1 |
Blanton, Lewis H | 18 Jun 1916 | I4147 |
2 |
Briggs Thomas Roberts, Susan Jane | 3 Oct 1917 | I14038 |
3 |
Bruner Thomas, Elizabeth | 22 Apr 1910 | I44487 |
4 |
Brunt, Nathaniel | 1 May 1903 | I37071 |
5 |
Campbell Karn, Betty Lou | 16 Feb 2005 | I366 |
6 |
Crawford, Mary Jane | 26 Jan 1896 | I15575 |
7 |
Crow Thomas, Nancy A | 19 Feb 1952 | I5485 |
8 |
Davies, Mabel Jane | 09 Mar 1905 | I19401 |
9 |
Davies, Thomas | 02 Dec 1891 | I15574 |
10 |
Davies Long, Rachel Anna | 1 Nov 1929 | I40796 |
11 |
Elrod, Robert Francis | 12 Feb 1962 | I19560 |
12 |
Emory, Harvey Albert | 7 Feb 1964 | I11403 |
13 |
Etherton, Charles Franklin | 5 Dec 1916 | I42757 |
14 |
Franken, William A | 12 Jun 1965 | I16841 |
15 |
Gallagher, James A | 16 Jun 1920 | I41224 |
16 |
Gallagher Kelly, Mary Margaret | 13 Jan 1916 | I41230 |
17 |
Gurwell, Lieutentant Grant | 6 Dec 1905 | I22185 |
18 |
Gurwell, William Harrison | 26 Feb 1903 | I22169 |
19 |
Hanlan, Josephine Marie | 24 Jan 1914 | I45903 |
20 |
Hanlan Davies, Maggie | 17 Dec 1916 | I46308 |
21 |
Helton Blanton, Barbara Ellen | 21 Feb 1916 | I4148 |
22 |
Hoerman Jeschke, Emma Lena | 3 Nov 1941 | I7370 |
23 |
Jenkins, Robert Owen | 24 Jun 1914 | I13967 |
24 |
Johnson Pennell, Mary | 21 Jun 1916 | I46453 |
25 |
Kelly, Ellen | 10 Feb 1895 | I40192 |
26 |
Kelly, James | 21 Apr 1917 | I6710 |
27 |
Kelly, Patrick | 22 Oct 1905 | I40191 |
28 |
Kimble Gurwell, Sarah Ellen | 07 Jan 1905 | I22170 |
29 |
Long, Wesley James | 19 Nov 1912 | I13771 |
30 |
McGalliard, Isaac E | 2 Aug 1900 | I45555 |
31 |
McIntyre, James Joseph | 12 Mar 1892 | I41205 |
32 |
McIntyre Hanlan, Catharine J | 5 Jul 1908 | I41202 |
33 |
Moppin, Jesse | 31 Jan 1904 | I25 |
34 |
Pennell, Charles Franklin | 15 Mar 1911 | I45433 |
35 |
Poulter Tilden, Agnes Wilson | 29 Mar 1925 | I21956 |
36 |
Pullin Moppin, Alice Mae | 27 Dec 1918 | I26 |
37 |
Ruddy, Dennis | 17 Nov 1921 | I21012 |
38 |
Ruddy, Hugh L | 4 May 1917 | I41219 |
39 |
Sluss, Robert Anthony | 22 Feb 1914 | I12515 |
40 |
Stone Beaman, Dorothy M | 1 Apr 1982 | I30951 |
41 |
Thomas, Benjamin Franklin | 5 Mar 1948 | I5481 |
42 |
Thomas, Joseph W | 27 Oct 1950 | I17704 |
43 |
Thomas, Winston | 27 Jan 1901 | I14037 |
44 |
Twombly Long Hixson, Ida Maude | 28 Apr 1948 | I23307 |
45 |
Waymire Thomas, Rachel Ann | 10 Aug 1891 | I43862 |
46 |
Woodward Gurwell, Emma A | 1931 | I6623 |
BurialMatches 1 to 8 of 8
MarriageMatches 1 to 21 of 21