
 Description   Quantity 
Total Individuals 46,679 
Total Males 24,408 (52.29%) 
Total Females 22,135 (47.42%) 
Total Unknown Gender 136 (0.29%) 
Total Living 883 
Total Families 7,641 
Total Unique Surnames 16,530 
Total Photos 951 
Total Documents 7,992 
Total Headstones
Total Histories
Total Recordings
Total Videos
Total Sources
Total Source Citations 24 
Average Lifespan1 70 years 315 days 
Earliest Birth (John James Bradley 10 Aug 138 

 Longest Lived1   Age 
Raymond Ernest Frakes  8,098 years 24 days 
Maurice Stephen Kilkenny  7,881 years 135 days 
Emil William Greub, Jr  7,850 years 326 days 
John Edward Howard Chapman  7,285 years 76 days 
William Taylor Dittemore  7,158 years 209 days 
Emelia Mann Cummings  3,622 years 
Jackson William Blanton  1,796 years 358 days 
John James Bradley  1,771 years 73 days 
Johnnie G Hale  1,702 years 
Peter Kiran Devereux  1,094 years 

1 Age-related calculations are based on individuals with recorded birth and death dates. Due to the existence of incomplete date fields (e.g., a death date listed only as "1945" or "BEF 1860"), these calculations cannot be 100% accurate.
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