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Obituary - John J Bielak

John J Bielak, 67, Raytown, died November 29, 1992, at Lee's Summit Hospital.  Services were held December 2 at the Newcomer's Floral Hills Chapel.  Burial was at the Floral Hills Cemetery.  The family suggests contributions to the Blue Ridge Boulevard United Methodist Church.
Bielak was born in Mill Village, PA, and lived in Buffalo, NY, before moving to the Raytown area in 1947.  He was a barber for the Blue-Vue Barber Shop for 10 years, retiring in 1987.  He was an Army veteran of World War II and a member of the church.
Survivors include his wife, Winifred Bielak, of the home; three sons, John J. Bielak, Merriam, Edward James Bielak, of the home, and David Wayne Bielak, Kansas City; three sisters, Martha Wells, Enfield, NC, Nellie Soraci, Hawley, PA, and Phyllis Brady, California; and five grandchildren.  
Mrs Bielak was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Herman Potter.

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