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OBITS - Dorcas V. Decker & Mildred K. Decker
Dorcas V. Decker, 91, St. Jo, died Thursday, April 22, and her sister, Mildred K. Decker, 88, St. Jo, died Wednesday, April 21, at a St. Jo health care center, following lengthy illnesses.
Born in St. Jo, Dorcas had lived there most of her life.  She had also resided in Wathena for six years.  She had been a secretary for 45 years with Southwestern Bell Telephone Company.
She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, Pony Express Chapter of the American Business Women's Association and Telephone Pioneers of America.  She was a graduate of Lafayette High School.
Mildred, a native of St. Jo, had lived most of her life there and in Wathena.  She made her home in Chicago, Ill. for six years.
She was a secretary for Chase Candy Company and then a clerk for the St. Joseph School District for several years.  She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church.
The Decker sisters were preceded in death by four sisters, Thelma and Louise Decker, Erma Campbell and Rosalie Hudgens; and a brother Harold Decker.
Survivors include two nieces, Mavis J. Weeks, St. Jo, and Barbara I. Langdon, Bayonet Point, Fla.; a grandniece and a grandnephew.
Joint services were held in St. Jo Saturday.  Burial was at Ashland Cemetery, St. Jo.

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Linked toDorcas V Decker; Mildred K Decker

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