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File nameHighland_Vidette_Thu__Apr_21__1904_.jpg
File Size1.49m
Dimensions4205 x 6146
Linked toJohn Gray Johnson

Hedrick Cemetery, Iowa Point, Doniphan County, KS, United States

Notes: The Hedrick Cemetery is also known as the Jenkins Cemetery. It is located 1 1/2 miles east of Sparks on the William Hedrick land. This was a family cemetery but there are Fraziers buried there which are no relation, they were neighbors who were killed by a cyclone and the Hedrick's gave permission for them to be buried there. The cemetery is approximately 1/3 acre, near the rock quarry on the ridge in a grove of trees and brush, and no longer maintained. The road (Friendship Road) to the cemetery goes through the quarry and is blocked by a locked gate. There are about 30 re-bar stuck in the ground marking where graves should be. This information is from the "Cemetery Readings of Doniphan County Kansas" by Speedy and Gail Stewart, updated winter 2000
GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 39.86728, Longitude: -95.18185

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