Doniphan County, Kansas Genealogy
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Loading... Trojan Band at Liberty Bowl
The Troy Marching Band over the Winter Break traveled to Memphis, TN to participate in the 2016 Liberty Bowl activities. The Marching Trojans participated in the Battle of the Band Field Show Competition while in Memphis. The Marching Band also marched in the Liberty Bowl Parade down Beale Street in front of thousands. On Friday, December 30th the band performed at half time along with the Commodores. At the awards ceremony, the Trojan Band was awarded the 2016 Liberty Bowl Spirit Award. This award is given to the band who best embodies the definition of sportsmanship by positively representing their school and showing an overall enthusiasm for music and performance at the AutoZone Liberty Bowl. The students left on Tuesday, Dec. 27th and returned to Troy on December 31st. During their stay in Memphis the band also attend the AutoZone Liberty Bowl rodeo, went to the Bass Pro Shop and the observation deck that overlooks Memphis, toured Beale Street, and went past Graceland. The band is under the dierection of Matt Allison.
Trojan Band at Liberty Bowl
Owner of original | Kansas Chief |
Date | 2017 |
File name | Troy Trojans 2.jpg |
File Size | 3.77m |
Dimensions | 2812 x 3699 |
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